When you are thinking about creating a business website, first you must factor in a lot of various costs that are associated with all aspects of building and presenting your new website to the world.
Sometimes these costs were not in your original calculations when you were first trying to figure out exactly what building a business website was going to cost.
There is good news however, they are some flexible financial aspects that depend mostly on how big you want your business website to be.
Here are the cost factors that you must think about when figuring out what the approximate cost of building a business website are going to be.
Costs of Building a Business Website
Building a Business Website
Building a website can be one of the greatest ways of announcing yourself on the internet to the world. Whether your type of business offers different types of services or products, your business can get some great and truly world wide exposure, through a website on the Internet.
This is an important part of telling the world consumers what type of value that you intend to provide to people. In highly competitive product and service markets around the world today, building a business website is no longer just a novelty in business, but it is a necessity.
Purchase Your Domain Name
You might wonder what a domain name is? A domain name is basically your internet address (The name people type into their web browser’s address bar) for your website. As an example, if a domain name is bestbusinessname.com, then that is what people type into their web browser‘s address bar to come to your website.
Now, before you go to get your domain name, you must first decide on what you want the domain name to be, check to see if it is available and then go and purchase it from a registrar (domain seller). Registering your domain name has become very inexpensive these days and it usually costs around $10-$20 dollars (US) per year.
Website Hosting
Web hosting is the place where your websites files are stored that will be displaying your website to the world. Web hosting is where your website’s files and code live. Each website must have a web host server that will run the website and store the website’s data on.
There are a countless amount of web hosts that you can use to host your website for prices varying from a few dollars a month to over a hundred dollars a month, depending on exactly how big and how much traffic your website will have. A website that has a lot more content (Pages with Data, Pic’s, etc.) will have higher web hosting costs.
Website Designing
Website designing is all about the website’s layout and what the website will look like. Website designing is a crucial part of a website’s success, as it gives a better overall look to your website and is more appealing and user friendly.
A professional website designer has a very important job and does a lot more than just some coding. A high quality, professionally designed website from a good web designer can cost your business anywhere from a couple hundred dollars for a basic business website, an up to thousands of dollars for a premium business website design so keep these costs in mind when figuring out the cost to create a business website.
Website Content
The content of your website is a discretionary expense which perhaps you might choose to not figure in to the budget for your website‘s cost. If you are planning on creating your own content for your website then you will be able to save some money there.
You also have the option of hiring a professional web content writer to explain your business website and your business in detail, the costs that many content writer charge can range from 10-20 dollars a page, up to hundreds of dollars a page. It all depends on what exactly you want and how much time it will take the writer to create what you need. If you think that you can do that job yourself, you can save some money there also.
Creating a business website can be a great way to get your business exposed to the world and it can help create new business leads. So, it today’s business world most businesses have an online presence so you must have one as well if you want to compete in the business market of today.
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