Blogging can be a great way for you to reach out to our world. There are many different reasons why people create a blog. Some people use blogging just as a hobby, for other people it’s a way to increase consumer awareness about their businesses products and their services.
Many people use blogging as a way to earn money online. No matter what the reason is that a person starts blogging, the main reason most people start blogging is to get a readership for their blog.
Today, there are more and more people that are starting up a blog for many different reasons. As with any type of new venture, blogging also has a learning curve.
People are going to make mistakes and hopefully they will learn from their mistakes and move forward. Some mistakes can cost your blog’s success dearly and they might even jeopardize your blogs future.
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of some of the more common mistakes that many new bloggers will make. Hopefully you will learn some valuable information that can help you have a successful blog.
Common Mistakes Made By New Bloggers
Poor and/or Shallow Content
Content is king when it comes to blogs. It’s extremely important that whatever you choose to write and share on your blog is completely accurate, informative, and is of good quality. Blog readers across the Internet don’t want to read the mindless ranting of a poor blogger.
If you have unique, good and interesting content on your blog site you will be able to catch a readers attention on the Internet, and then turn those readers into your loyal blog followers. Poor and very shallow blog content can and usually will, kill your blog. Avoid doing that at all costs.
Copy and Pasting
Plagiarism is actually a crime, and if you decide to indulge in this act where you are just copying articles from the blogs of others and then just pasting them onto your own blog, you will be penalized very heavily by the internet search engines, usually more sooner than later. The importance of having original, unique content on your own blog cannot be emphasized too much.
Copying and pasting content from other blogs around the internet can also lead to your blog being permanently banned from the search engine and it will never show up in any searches. You will also lose any credibility that you have as a writer if your blog readers find copied content that you have put on your blog site.
Not Submitting Your Blog site to the Search Engines
You’re writing some great quality, unique, and completely original content for your blog, but the stats of your blog are not showing the signs of a rise in site visitors and traffic. How could this happen? Well, most blog site traffic comes from the search engine websites like Google, Bing, etc., so for search engine sites to give your blog visitor traffic you need to let them know all about the existence of your blog.
A search engine indexes the content of websites so they can show their search results to the searchers that come to their websites. So, it’s extremely important for you to submit your blog’s content to the search engine websites. If you fail to do this, it will mean that you are missing a huge amount of traffic for your blog.
Not Using The Social Media Websites
Another great way to gain traffic for your blog and increase its readership is to use the various different social media platforms. This can be a great way to increase your blog’s visitors if you’re writing good, quality content for your blog. You will need to promote your blog to potential readers if you want to reach new blog readers. Neglecting to use social media is a big mistake.
Not Learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Along with you writing good, unique and quality content for your blog, it’s important that your blog site is search engine friendly. Search engine optimization (SEO) comes into the picture at this point. If you want to have your blog found and read by people, then you need to understand search engine optimization. Keep in mind that search engine optimization is always changing, so you need to spend some time helping you to understand the newest search engine optimization practices.
Not Choosing the Correct Blogging Platform and Correct Domain Name
It’s very important that you choose the right blogging platform for your blog. If you’re blogging only as a hobby, then the free blogging websites will be fine to use. However, if you’re aiming high, then you will have to think about having you’re own custom blog address (domain name) and a paid web hosting service. It will help to show that you’re serious about your blogging, and it will also help your blog to get noticed by the big brands around the internet that are looking to sponsor some blogs for advertisement purposes.
Not Paying Attention to The Formatting and Layout of Your Blog
It’s an important factor for your blog site to make sure to format your content correctly to help increase the readability of your blog. If you provide large amounts of data without the proper formatting, it can put off readers of your blog, and they just might turn to other blog sites to read and follow. Using subtitles, relevant images and bulleted points will go quite a way to help to hold your blog reader’s attention.
Not Correctly Optimizing The Permalinks of Your Blog
It might sound too technical for you, but it is extremely important to optimize the perm links of your blog. Usually the default setting for permalinks are set towards the domain name of a blog, for an example – www.nameofblog.com/?123. This is ok, but it’s not very friendly for the SEO of your blog site. It’s very important to make sure to set the perm links for your blog to show its permalink as per the post’s title like www.nameofblog.com/pagename or perhaps www.nameofblog.com/posttitle.
Not Connecting Well With Fellow Bloggers and Your Blog’s Readers
It’s extremely important that you connect with your blog’s readers via reader comments. If a reader of your blog has a question that they post, make sure that you answer the question as soon as you can. This will help to increase the trust of your blog’s reader’s and then they will want to keep coming to your blog site.
It’s also very important that you connect with other bloggers around the internet, by leaving some good, thought-provoking comments on their blog’s articles that are of interest to you. You could also invite some seasoned bloggers to write a guest post for your blog and vice versa. This can greatly help your blog to gain more exposure around the internet to a much wider audience.
Mimicking A Favorite Blog Of Yours
Perhaps the one of the biggest mistakes that a new blogger will commit is they might imitate his/her favorite blogger. That doesn’t work very well in the long run. You can’t try to be someone else that you are not. Everyone has their own style and they should try to work towards finding exactly what their own style is, rather than trying to mimic other bloggers.
Giving Up On Your Blog Too Early
Often, many people get very frustrated by a slow start that their blog is having and then, instead of them trying harder to make their blog a success, they will just give up on it. You should understand that many readers will not just start flocking to read your blog right away. It will take a considerable amount of time and effort for your blog to attract and retain its readers. However, when your blog starts to get results, it will all be worth the effort. If you are someone who enjoys blogging, then make sure to stick with it.
Blogging can be an enriching and rewarding experience for a person. It can often open up a whole new world that you will enjoy. If you try hard not to commit these very common mistakes that many bloggers commit, you can get off to a very good start for your new blog.
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