Acne is a universal and horrible problem that at one point or another will attack the skin of most people at some point in their life. Irrespective of each persons gender or what their skin type may be (unless you’re a lucky ones), acne will probably affect everyone sometime in their life, sooner or later.
So, what is a person to do when acne shows up? You might try various different possible solutions to help get rid of your acne. There are herbal remedies on the market, you can see a dermatologist about treatment for it, over-the-counter acne treatment medications, as well as several other different methods that people use to help treat their acne problem.
The most widely used over-the-counter acne medications contain a chemical named benzoyl peroxide. This chemical is usually found in all of the more popular over-the-counter solutions for acne. One of the other most popular chemicals that people use to help treat their acne is rubbing alcohol.
Many people swear by using rubbing alcohol, but before we get you interested in thinking about trying this treatment chemical, let’s stop and try to understand if this is a good treatment option for acne.
What exactly is Rubbing Alcohol?
The official name of rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol. Rubbing alcohol is made from a type of coal gas called propane and it also contains varying amounts of water in it. This chemical is also commonly used for rubbing out paints , greases and also many types of oils off of different types of surfaces. This is how it got its name.
It’s also commonly used for removing types of DNA from surfaces and tissue, which is one main reason why rubbing alcohol is used in many different types of laboratories.
Isopropyl alcohol has a distinct antiseptic odor that it gives off. To many different people it seems like it’s a good chemical solution to use for acne treatment. Rubbing alcohol is very commonly used to clean out wounds and other injuries, and it is also applied on a person’s body before a doctor or nurse administers an injection (shot).
However, I must tell you that the antiseptic smell that is given off by rubbing alcohol has can be very deceptive when thinking about using it for skin care. The sections below will explain more about this in greater detail.
Using Rubbing Alcohol To Treat Acne!
There are many different points of view when it comes to the effectiveness of using rubbing alcohol for treating a person’s acne. Here are some informative points to think about below:
◼ Rubbing alcohol does have antibacterial type properties, which will kill the bacteria that is causing formations of pimples on your skin, thus it will minimize acne outbreaks to some extent.
◼ It’s also commonly believed that it will act as a type of astringent, which will shrink the skin pores that secrete the oils, thus rubbing alcohol will ultimately reduce more acne outbreaks.
◼ People that are supporters of using rubbing alcohol to help treat acne claim that it will dry up a person’s acne and result in cleaner, more clear, and better looking skin.
◼ However, on the negative side of that thought, rubbing alcohol will also dry up a person’s skin too, thus leaving the skin parched and broken. This will more than likely lead to a burning sensation on a person‘s skin, especially when it is used on a person with open acne pimples or cracked skin.
◼ The drying effect that rubbing alcohol creates will result in your skin increasing its oil production as a way to defend against the dryness the rubbing alcohol created. Dry skin can be quite painful, and the increased production of oil is a cause for the skin to have new additional acne breakouts. Thus, rubbing alcohol will tend to increase acne breakouts.
◼ Rubbing alcohol is a skin irritant and can be very harmful to a person’s eyes, and it should never be applied anywhere close to a person‘s eyes.
◼ Rubbing Alcohol does kill off human skin cells and that’ll result in the skin pores clogging with dead skin cells.
◼ Even if rubbing alcohol was to work without any glitch on the treatment of acne, most experts feel that rubbing alcohol is only temporarily effective, and it will also cause as many or even more problems than it is helping with.
As we have shown you with the information listed above, rubbing alcohol is widely believed by many people to work on the treating of acne, but it will do that at a great price. Thus, rubbing alcohol can’t then be classified as a good treatment for a person’s acne problems, and rubbing alcohol shouldn’t also be classified in a ’safe’ category of acne treatment medications.
Using rubbing alcohol to treat acne is not advisable at all, especially if that person has a sensitive skin type. However, there are people who have found rubbing alcohol to be effective at acne treatment and use it.
All that we can conclude is that rubbing alcohol’s effectiveness on treating acne depends on a persons skin type as one determining factor in using it. Even though rubbing alcohol might usually be a bad idea for a lot of people, it might also be a blessing for the treatment of acne for other people.
Disclaimer: Our article is strictly for informative purposes and it shouldn’t be used as any type of replacement for professional medical treatment or advice. Please consult a doctor or dermatologist for the appropriate and required professional help that you need.
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