The first ever electrical experiment was done by a Greek philosopher named Thales of Miletus. He found that by rubbing amber against an animals fur it would attract stationary objects. This phenomenon was later named static electricity. Our word, ‘electricity’ comes from a Greek word, ‘elektron’ which means amber.
There are many different ways to generate electricity. The most widely used method used to generate electricity is what is called electromagnetic induction.
Electromagnetic induction is when a force of mechanical energy which is developed by a heat engine like hydroelectric power, wind power, tidal power, propels or forces an electrical generator to rotate and that in turn generates electricity. Most of the electricity produced all around the world is generated using this method.
There are many different ways that a country produces it’s electrical power. Sometimes the method they use to create their electricity is based on what resources they have available.
The amount of electricity that a country must produce to keep their country operating smoothly can be quite astounding. Below is our compiled list of the top 5 electricity-producing countries around the world.
World’s Top 5 Electricity-producing Countries
#1 USA
The total net amount of electricity production by the US Government has been measured at a whopping 4,120 billion kilowatt-hours. This puts the good old USA in the #1 spot as the worlds largest electricity producer. The main sources that are used to generate the electricity that the USA produces include wind energy, hydropower, thermal sources, geothermal energy, nuclear power and some of the renewable sources.
#2 China
China is the second largest electricity producer in the world with a net electricity production of approximately 3,965 billion kilowatt-hours. China is among the top 3 countries that has an abundant coal reserve along with hydroelectric sources.
#3 Japan
Japan is the number 3 producer of electricity in the world with a net electricity production of about 1013 billion kilowatt-hours. The electricity producing sector in Japan was very heavily reliant on nuclear resources to produce it‘s needed electricity. Unstable seismic activity in Japan has proven hazardous which is why most nuclear plants in Japan have been forced to shut down electrical production. Japan now currently produces most of it’s electricity by means of hydroelectric producing methods, as well as with some other renewable resources wind & solar power.
#4 Russia
Russia is the second-largest country with an abundance of coal reserves. Russia generates approximately 983 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year Russia produces it’s electricity mostly from coal & natural gas. More than 60% of Russia’s electricity is generated by it’s thermal plants. Some other sources of Russia’s electricity generation include their nuclear reactors, wind, hydropower and other renewable resources.
#5 India
India’s electricity production is about 880 billion kilowatt-hours per year. More than 50% of the electrical power that India produces comes from coal-powered electricity generation plants. Hydropower as well as renewable energy resources contribute a small portion of India‘s electricity. India has become one of the fastest growing markets for electricity generation, consumption as well as electricity distribution.
As you can see these top 5 countries that produce electricity have a massive amount of electricity produced each year. Their numbers will surely grow in the years to come, as will that of all other major electricity producing countries around the world.
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