Is watching television an important part of your every day ritual? Do you and your family members spend a lot of time watching television after coming home from work, or school? Does your family watch television during meals and/or before going to bed?
If you can answered yes to all or most of these questions then it’s probably time that you cut down on your television watching and participate in some healthier activities like reading, playing games with your family or friends or other positive activities.
If you aren’t careful your children could turn into couch potatoes. Try to limit your television viewing time, because television can have many negative affects on peoples lives. These negative affects can be both physical and psychological for people of all age groups.
Below we’ve listed some of the many possible negative affects that television can have on the lives of yourself as well as that of your family and friends.
The Negative Affects of Television
✦ The American Heart Association has a published a study which says that adults that watch 3 or more hours of television per day have a 2/3 more higher risk of having a premature death over adults that watch television for 1 hour or less per day.
✦ Watching television could lead to overeating by some people thus further adding to other health hazards associated with watching television. Human mental engagement while they are watching television to an extent, numbs the human affect of feeling full after eating a meal which can lead to excessive food intake, which could result in obesity and other excessive television watching associated human health problems.
✦ People who watch too much television especially young people can start to identify with what they see on television. Children can relate to television programs to such an extent that they can get bored a normal and simple lifestyle. Children can start to crave for fame and fortune, seeking a lifestyle of their favorite television characters.
✦ The University of Maryland has conducted one study which indicates that people that are happy watch television for about 1 hour less per day, than people that suffer from depression.
✦ Psychology studies have shown that watching television programs that contain intense emotions can leave a long-lasting impression on a persons mind. Television programs that have horror or other scary scenes can have a negative impact on a persons mind.
✦ Television presents an imaginary world that might seem that it’s an escape from a persons real problems, but that is not the case. Watching too much television is not a way out of a persons problems but rather a way to amplify them. Television can burden a humans brain and increases their anxiety and stress levels.
So, as you can see by the information provided above, there can be some negative affects that television can cause when watching it excessively.
So next time you find yourself in a rut watching several hours of television per day you might want to think about finding a more enriching activity to do in it’s place.
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