There are many different harmful chemicals that can be found around our homes. Many of these most people are familiar with, but did you know there are dangerous chemicals found around your home that you might not have suspected?
To live happier and healthier lives it is always good to know where the dangerous chemicals around your home can be found so that you can take steps to reduce or eliminate any chance of them having harmful effects on you or your loved ones.
Future Libraries wants you to have the knowledge to understand any risks these products have so that you may take any steps required to ensure your families health and happiness. Here is a list of 5 household things that you might not be aware pose any danger to you and your family.
5 Harmful Items You Might Not Know About
Plasticizers in Beauty Products – Plasticizers go into many cosmetic and beauty products including deodorants, hair spray, shampoos and more. These plasticizers bind the colors and fragrance in beauty and cosmetic products. These hormone-like chemicals are linked to reproductive and developmental problems in animals. California and Washington State have both banned the use of these types of plasticizers in toys for younger children.
Chemicals in Laser Printers – Some laser printers give off ultra-fine particles that can cause very serious health problems. Laser printers can release micro fine volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone particulates. These have been linked with heart and lung disease as well as other health problems.
Air Fresheners – Air fresheners can release toxic levels of some pollutants. This mainly comes from two chemicals called ethylene-based glycol ethers & terpenes. While the Environmental Protection Agency regards the ethers as toxic by themselves, the other non-toxic terpenes can react dangerously with ozone in the air and form a poisonous type of combination. Air fresheners themselves in particular are usually linked to many different volatile organic compounds such as nitrogen dioxide, and some air fresheners also contain paradichlorobenzene, the exact same chemical found in mothballs.
Flame Retardant Chemicals – Flame retardants are mainly used in mattresses, upholstery, televisions and computer casings and circuit boards. The flame retardants found in these items usually use polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs for short. Studies have linked PBDEs to learning and memory loss problems, a drastically lowered sperm counts in men & a poorly functioning thyroid in rats & mice. Other animal conducted studies have also indicated that PBDEs could be very carcinogenic in humans.
Chemicals in Carpets – Indoor carpeting has come under scrutiny because of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) associated with new carpeting. The glue and dyes used in carpeting is known to emit VOCs, which can be harmful to your health. However, the initial VOC emission exposure will often subside after the first few days of installation.
We hope that we have provided some valuable information about these dangerous chemicals that can be found in most homes so that you can keep an eye out for them so that you may better protect your family and other loved ones.
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