We live in a very interesting and wonderful world with an interesting environment with lots of beautiful and interesting things happening every day.
Some of these things are wonderful and some of them are very alarming. Both wonderful and alarming these facts are quite interesting.
Here at Future Libraries we thought that we would share some interesting facts about the Earth and it’s environment with you.
Perhaps through sharing and education we can make a change for the better when it concerns the alarming facts as well as learn to enjoy the wonderful facts a bit more.
The Facts:
Only 1% of the worlds water supply is usable, 97% are the oceans and 2% is frozen.
On average, ONE supermarket goes through more than 60,000,000+ paper bags every year!
Earth’s tallest tree is a coast redwood tree in California, measuring at over 360 tall.
The oldest trees in the world are 4,600+ year old Bristlecone pines located in the USA.
Approximately 5 million+ tons of oil are produced in our world each year end up in Earth’s oceans.
On average just about 84% of each and every households waste can be recycled!
Over 14+ billion pounds of our trash is dumped each year into Earth’s oceans
Rainforests on Earth are being cut down & destroyed at the amazing rate of more than 100 acres per minute.
If you walk about a mile along any average highway in the US, you will see on average over 1,400 pieces of litter.
The amount of wood & paper waste that we throw away each and every year is enough to heat 25,000,000 homes for 10 years.
The United States is the #1 trash producing country in the world at more than 1,600+ pounds for each person every year.
Earth’s population has been growing more in the past 50 years than it did in the previous 4 million years!
On our planet one in four mammals is at risk of extinction!
In just a single hour, more sunlight falls on earth, than what is used by the entire population of the planet in one year.
Every day United States businesses generate enough paper to circle the earth 20 times!
About 1/3 of the average landfill is comprised of just packaging material.
Average temperatures on Earth will increase by as much as 12 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the 21st century if our greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise at the current pace.
These are just some of the many interesting facts about our planet and its environment. We hope that you learned a few facts that you didn’t know.
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