As everyone knows, the common cold is just that, common. On average an adult human develops common cold symptoms at least 3 to 4 times per year.
In young children this number can jump up to more than 8 times per year. This is why extra precautions must be made to try to protect children from catching a cold.
Do you know that the common cold is responsible for over 1/4 of all missed school days children miss? Studies have shown that the common cold is also behind about 40% of work time lost.
It’s a fact that the common cold is infectious and it is spread easily. That is just one of the main reasons for it being called the common cold.
Below we are listing some common cold facts, some of which you might know or have heard about and others you might not.
Either way we hope that this article can help bring you more awareness and facts about the common cold so that you can take measures in the future to help avoid the common cold as much as possible.
Common Cold Facts
There is a belief by many people that a common cold is caused by bacteria and that is not true.
Antibiotics are usually not useful in treating the common cold.
There’s not a vaccination for the common cold yet.
The common cold is caused by viruses.
There are approximately 200 types of viruses that can cause a common cold. Some of these are rhino viruses, Para influenza virus, metapneumo virus, corona virus, entero viruses, adeno virus and the respiratory syncytial virus.
The common cold viruses are transmitted often by breathing air contaminated with these viruses.
Viruses on a persons hands may not infect the person unless and/or until it gets in touch with the person’s eyes, nose or mouth.
The most common symptoms of the common cold can include sneezing, a cough, a runny nose, nasal discharge, watery eyes, a sore throat and can even include a fever.
People with strong immune systems can develop more severe cold symptoms than those with a weaker immune system.
There is no known cure for the common cold. Home cold remedies are usually only good to try to reduce the severity of cold symptoms.
Proper rest can help to speed getting over the common cold.
Some home remedies that can help with cold symptoms include steam inhalation, drinking lots of fluids, herbal teas and even good old chicken soup.
Despite common belief cold weather can’t cause a person to come down with the common cold.
Going outside with wet hair can cause you to catch a cold is a commonly told myth. There is no scientific evidence of this claim though.
Washing your hands with soap and water has been found to be best method for preventing cold over using hand sanitizers.
If you have common cold symptoms that don’t start to pass within 10 to 14 days you should seek medical attention.
Hopefully the information that we have shared about the common cold will serve to help protect you and your family and loved ones from catching a cold or at the least, shorten the length of time that cold symptoms are dealt with.
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